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Nvidia Corporation SWOT and PESTLE Analysis

ID : 52580353| Feb 2023| 15 pages


Business Sector :Semiconductors, Computer hardware (gaming primarily) and application of AI in various industries

Operating Geography :United States, North America, Global.

About Nvidia :

This AI specialized company started off its journey with the idea of transforming PC into a consumer device for experiencing games and multimedia like it has never been experienced before. It was founded by Jensen Huang, Chris Malachowsky and Curtis Priem. With its headquarters located in Santa Clara, California, US, it operates in America, Asia and Europe.
Nvidia introduced the first multimedia processor NV1 in market in 1995 followed by RIVA 128, the world’s first high performance 128-bit 3D processor that came into market in 1997. Although the concept of GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) was designed by Toshiba and introduced by Sony through the reference to the Play station, GPU GeForce 256 by Nvidia changed the scenario of graphics industry. The company defines GeForce as “a single-chip processor with integrated transform, lighting, triangle setup/clipping, and rendering engines that is capable of processing a minimum of 10 million polygons per second”. The game changing year was 2000 when Microsoft chose Nvidia for providing the graphics processors for its first Xbox gaming console.
Some of the important acquisitions of Nvidia are Mellanox (2019) for high-performance interconnect technology, Media Q (2003) for wireless multimedia technology, 3DFX – and then leading pioneer in graphics industry.
Nvidia is currently focusing on high level application of Artificial Intelligence in different fields like deep learning, car technology, healthcare, autonomous machines. Leaders in the federal government and private sector working hard for these initiatives will come together this year at the GPU Technology Conference in Washington, hosted by NVIDIA and its partners, including Booz Allen Hamilton, Dell, IBM, Lockheed Martin and other AI pioneers. This flat-structured company with 13,277 employees as of January 2019 regulates the AI foundations through mentoring programs, large-scale volunteer efforts like Project Inspire, Techsplorer and departmental team-building events.

Nvidia Revenue :

$11.72 billion – FY ended Jan 2019 (year-on-year growth of 21%)
$9.71 billion – FY ended Jan 2018

Competitive Analysis of Nvidia

The SWOT analysis of Nvidia is presented below:
1. Strong technology foundation driven by innovation
2. Competitive advantage in AI/deep learning data center market.
3. Acquisitions of some revolutionary gaming companies.
4. Innovation in automotive segment with the NVIDIA DRIVE platform.
1. Falling revenues as of early FY19
2. Slow growth in gaming revenues.
3. Increased dependence on the gaming sector.
1. Fast adoption of AI in technology market.
2. Strong strategic partnerships.
3. Wide Range of application of AI.
1. Faster rendering engine or rendering technology used by its competitors.
2. Increased use of mobile technology.
3. Crypto currency meltdown to impact GPU demand.
4. Competitive threat in automotive market.
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Detailed SWOT Analysis of Nvidia



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1. Faster rendering technology used by its competitors: AMD – the most important competitor of NVIDIA uses OpenGL as its main rendering technologies which is much faster than the rendering technologies used by NVIDIA. NVIDIA uses DirectX. The answer as to why OpenGL is faster than DirectX is OpenGL has more efficient pipeline. OpenGL is rendering a frame in 3.69milliseconds at 303.4 fractions per second, whereas DirectX is rendering a frame in 3.69 milliseconds at 270.6 fractions per second. Although NVIDIA has a much higher market share of 81% than 18% market share of AMD, but there are other competitors that are creeping up. For example, Intel has plans to introduce discrete GPUs and may challenge NVIDIA’s dominance. Some of the competitors of NVIDIA are AMD (the most important one), Intel, NXP, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Broadcom, Samsung, Apple, Sony, etc.

2. Increased use of mobile technology: As the mobile technology is gaining the attention, many games are easily available in the mobile phone platform. So the demand for explicit graphics card to play is decreasing. And for that reason NVIDIA has also started paying its resources towards improvisation of mobile gaming technology. Newzoo predicted the revenue in October 2018 that total gaming would be worth $174.0 billion by 2021. Among them they predicted that mobile gaming will continue to grow reaching $91.2 billion with 43% users of market smartphone gaming and 9% users of tablet.

3. Crypto currency meltdown to impact GPU demand: The sale of high-end CPUs of NVIDIA increased many folds in 2017 and 2018 because of the large amount of orders by crypto currency miners. It caused shortage of supply of GPU for its use in core PC gaming market. But Bitcoin and other crypto currencies faced a problem of bubble popping up in late 2018 which has continued in 2019. Thinking about the worse condition, if these miners retreat themselves and moreover if they start selling their already used GPUs at lower rate, then this situation would lead to another supply glut. This can be worse by considering the increase in supply of new GPUs by NVIDIA.

4. Competitive threats in the automotive market: Introducing Tegra CPU, a powerful invention for infotainment and navigation system in high-end cars, brought the first mover advantage to NVIDIA. Tegra-assisted Drive PX platform empowers the driver-less vehicles. NXP and Intel are the biggest competitors of NVIDIA in this business segment. NXP is one of the biggest car’s chip maker challenge NVIDIA with BlueBox, another autonomous platform. Intel along with famous chipmakers – Movidius and ADAS (advanced driver assistance system) leader Mobileye is another threat to NVIDIA.

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References used in Nvidia SWOT & PESTLE Analysis Report

1. Nvidia Annual Report 2019 -

2. Nvidia Annual Report 2018 -

3. Nvidia Annual Report 2017 -

4. Nvidia Corporate Profile -

5. Nvidia Company Website -

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Nvidia SWOT and PESTLE analysis has been conducted by Drisha Chaudhuri and reviewed by senior analysts from Barakaat Consulting.

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Nvidia Corporation SWOT and PESTLE Analysis
Price : USD 12.53
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