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Munich Re SWOT and PESTLE Analysis

ID : 52213653| Apr 2023| 15 pages


Business Sector :Insurance and Healthcare

Operating Geography :Europe, Germany, Global

About Munich Re :

Munich Re is one of the world’s leading reinsurers, with premium income of over €31.6bn from reinsurance alone. The company, headquartered in Munich, Germany, established in 1880, is involved in wide range of insurance products with an employee base of around 43,000 people globally as of 2018. The Group strives to create value for all the stakeholders ranging from the clients, the staff and the shareholders. Munich Re’s subsidiary, ERGO insurance group handles the primary insurance operations. This leading insurer’s business model rests on combining primary insurance and reinsurance under one roof. The Group’s worldwide assets of €217.6bn are managed by MEAG, which serves private and institutional clients.
Munich Re’s USP or Unique Selling Proposition lies in being the world’s leading reinsurer with over 135 years of experience in the insurance and asset management business. Munich Re’s mission statement reads “Our mission describes how we identify and address the changes resulting from climate change. It also underlines our resolve to treat the challenges and opportunities arising from climate change as a long-term, strategic topic.” The Insurer’s vision statement reads “The vision outlines our responses as a leading reinsurer to the challenges thrown up by climate change. We believe it is important to place a strong emphasis on managing climate change, rather than simply responding passively to it.”

Munich Re Revenue :

Gross Premium Written
49,115 million Euros - FY ended December 31st, 2017 (% change 0.5%)
48,851 million Euros - FY ended December 31st, 2016

Competitive Analysis of Munich Re

The SWOT analysis for Munich Re is presented below:
1. Strong capitalization allows attractive shareholder returns
2. Excellent credit ratings over the years
3. Development of digital capabilities through teams
4. Grouping of insurance and reinsurance business
1. Reduction in the sales force
2. High investment in government bonds in weak EU economies.
3. Negative impact of legal disputes
1. Generation of business needs according to the market environment
2. Identifying the opportunities in Developing countries
3. Digital and analytics insurance offerings to be a growth driver
1. Challenging competitive environment in the insurance sector
2. Weak global outlook with slowdown in growth
3. Impact of appreciation of Euro
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Detailed SWOT Analysis of Munich Re



1.Strong capitalization allows attractive shareholder returns: Munich Re has strong capitalization which is reflected in its IFRS statements and Solvency II ratios. The Solvency II solvency ratio of 244% that is well above target capitalization emphasizes Munich Re’s financial strength, which is in line with the Solvency II standard. Its ROE exceeds the cost of capital with ROE standing at 10% while the cost of capital levels at 8%.Its debt leverage stood at 10% which is one of the lowest in the insurance industry. The balance sheet is also well positioned regarding prudency of claims reserve and tax provision. The dividend per share growth reached 8.6 Euros as compared to 3.1 euros in 2005. Munich Re’s subsidiary, ERGO insurance group, delivered commendable results, its profit of €273m outperformed guidance for fiscal 2017, which was already raised halfway through the year. ERGO pegged a premium income of €19.0bn. Riding on the wave of strong finances, the Company has strength to expand through acquisitions, but especially through organic growth. The profit estimation for fiscal 2018 is pegged in the range of €2.1–2.5bn, which is a slight increase on the profit guidance for 2017.

2.Excellent credit ratings over the years: The financial ratings for an insurance player gives an assessment of its ability to meet its obligations towards the policyholders. Munich Re has consistently enjoyed top credit ratings over the years by leading agencies. Its ratings as of 2017 according to Fitch is AA (Very strong); A.M. Best is A+ (Superior) and according to Moody's is Aa3 (Excellent). Fitch describes Munich Re’s reinsurance business as a select group having global scale, diversity and financial capabilities to get top quality business in the reinsurance sector.

3.Development of digital capabilities through teams: Munich Re is a company undergoing transformation through digitization. Digitalization has changed the way the insurance industry operates and the company is going through a comprehensive reorganization to meet the customer needs and demands. To help leverage the digitization of economies on the product side and also to help the clients, teams have been set up across the Munich Re Group for these purposes. Contact has also been established with the start-ups and the small and the large companies to tap into these business opportunities. Munich Re already employs over 200 data specialists and more than 300 staff work in innovation. The strategic plan for Munich Re’s group company ERGO will cover all the material activities ranging from sales, products. ERGO will invest up to the tune of €1bn till 2020 which will modernize the company’s IT systems and help it undergo a digital transformation to enable it to become a customer centric organization.

4.Good asset quality: Munich Re possesses a relatively conservative investment portfolio. The Group’s overall asset quality is viewed as very good. High risk invested assets (HRA, i.e. investments in equities alternative investments, non-owner occupied real estate, affiliates, non-investment grade/unrated fixed-income securities) as a % of equity (which for all asset metrics includes Group free RfB and Terminal Bonuses) increased to a relatively high 70% at YE2016 (YE2015: 71%) excluding equity derivatives. Munich Re's level of HRA relative to shareholders' equity is somewhat elevated relative to its peers, however this is mainly due to inclusion of its primary life insurance operation, which inherently has higher asset leverage than a typical reinsurance balance sheet. Adjusting for the primary insurance business, it is estimated that Munich Re's ratio of HRA to equity would be closer to 50%.


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Munich Re SWOT and PESTLE Analysis
Price : USD 12.53
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