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Hitachi SWOT and PESTLE Analysis

ID : 52170553| Feb 2023| 15 pages


Business Sector :Consumer Electronics

Operating Geography :Asia, Japan, Global

About Hitachi :

Hitachi is a multinational Japanese conglomerate based in Tokyo, Japan. Founded 107 years ago in 1910 by Namihei Odaira it become domestic leader in electric power industry infrastructure and electric motors in its initial years. It has come a long way from there to have worldwide presence in both services and products. It makes products like automotive systems, components and devices, construction machinery, defence systems, electronics and industrial machinery, telecommunications equipment, power plants and information systems. It provides consulting services in financials and leasing services too.

Hitachi Revenue :

9050.0 billions of Yen - FY ending March 31, 2017
9162.2 billions of Yen - FY ending March 31, 2016

Competitive Analysis of Hitachi

The SWOT analysis for Hitachi is presented below:
1. Strong presence in global market in diversified products and balanced revenue streams
2. Dedication to the spirit of craftsmanship and training staff with sold technical skills
3. Strong R&D focus esp. on AI technology and also in IPR
4. Initiatives in Social Innovation Business on a global scale
5. Free and open communications
1. Relative weaker sales and marketing initiatives compared to competitors
2. Need for more commercialization of R&D results
3. Lesser globalisation of management
4. Need to reduce costs through further diversification
1. Growing demand for high speed railway and cleaner power including nuclear energy
2. Next technological revolution happening in the field of AI
3. Acquisition of smaller brands and tie-ups with regional competitors
4. Increased demand for industrial equipment in emerging markets
1. Rapid advancements in technology and industry standards getting sophisticated
2. Negative impact of fluctuations in product demand, exchange rates and price of raw materials or shortages of parts and components
3. Changing macro-economic environment in most countries towards T-o-T and indigenous production
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Detailed SWOT Analysis of Hitachi



1. Strong presence in global market in diversified products and balanced revenue streams: The company has strong presence world-wide and good top of the mind recall in consumer electronics and technology goods. It also has good market share and presence in high speed rail technology, ATM services and nuclear power technology where it is handling large projects world wide

2. Dedication to the spirit of craftsmanship and training staff with sold technical skills: it gives great focus on training and efficiency of its 335,244 employees as part of its plan to expand the range of digitised products that support innovations and its increasing focus on investing in globally competitive products. People are recruited from various industries and strongly encouraged to go back to basics. The various training and employee benefits and remuneration processes are making it famous among aspiring young workforce. It hires people on the lines of the founding concepts of harmony, sincerity and pioneering spirit and prioritizing values over technical skills.

3. Strong R&D focus esp. on AI technology and also in IPR: it has a global centre for social innovations which focus on developing services in keeping with the needs of customers in each region at front employing 550 people over North America, Europe, China, Asia and Japan. There is a Centre for Technology Innovation which is establishing global no. 1 technologies employing 2050 people in Japan and another Centre for Exploratory Research.

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Hitachi SWOT and PESTLE analysis has been conducted and reviewed by senior analysts from Barakaat Consulting.

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Hitachi SWOT and PESTLE Analysis
Price : USD 12.53
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